Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemistry Tutor In The Blue Mountains

Chemistry Tutor In The Blue MountainsA good chemistry tutor in the Blue Mountains can help you pass your Chemistry test. Here is what you need to do if you want to sit on your next test. Follow these tips and you will be well on your way to passing your chemistry test.The first step to finding a good chemistry tutor in the Blue Mountains is to find out where they are. They do not have a website or an office to address their clients through, so you will need to use one of the ways outlined below.Call up the university at the institution in which you are planning to study. Ask them what type of information they can give you. They should be able to tell you how to get in touch with the tutor.The second step is to visit specialist websites that deal with tutors in the area. These websites have contact details for individual tutors in the area. Some of these websites have options for charging a fee, but they are worth looking into because they allow you to search for tutors without having to pay.The third option is to visit an online website that enables you to search for tutors that specialise in a certain subject. It is possible to search for tutors by title or location. You will then be able to visit the schools or institutions from which they teach.A final alternative is to use what is known as a referral service. Tutors in the area can be referred to you. If they have provided quality tutoring they will let you know in return and you can then choose to employ them as a tutor yourself.Choosing a good chemistry tutor in the Blue Mountains requires a great deal of thought and research. You need to make sure that you are finding someone who is qualified and has the ability to help you. You need to be aware of what they can offer you in terms of tuition and tests.It is important to remember that there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to choosing a tutor in the Blue Mountains. The first step is to find someone who is qualified and can help you. Make sure that they can help you in the way you require them to and also choose a tutor that has the ability to provide you with the help you need.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Top Online Resources for Practicing Languages to Fluency

5 Top Online Resources for Practicing Languages to Fluency 5 Top Online Resources for Practicing Languages to Fluency The internet has truly revolutionized language learning.I remember what it was like back in the day, when the Web was home to only a few amateur sites that claimed to teach various languages.I was at the mercy of  what my library chose to order or what the local bookstore happened to have in stock.Audio? Inconvenient.Video? Impossible.Actually speaking  with native speakers online? Unheard of!But today?Were able to practically take all these things for granted.So let us take a moment of silence to be grateful for the modern internet.With today’s veritable gold mine of target language media,  online courses  and other learning tools, there’s no reason not to excel at your chosen language.You can immerse yourself completely, so that you’re only interacting in your target language. It’s beautiful!But how exactly do you go about maximizing this wonderful modern world in which we live?Keep reading, because Im going to share the very best resources and tips with you! 5 Top Online Resources for Practicing Languages to FluencyOnline Conversation Sites for Speaking PracticeSpeaking is really what we think of when we consider fluency in a particular language. It’s communication! It’s impressive! It’s… intimidating?Sure. Whether you seek out speaking practice when you have only a few words under your belt (à la Benny Lewis from Fluent in 3 Months), or whether you decide to talk after a lengthy silent period, talking to a native speaker for the first time can be a scary prospect.That’s why conversation exchanges are one of the best ways to practice languages. You can find a partner on a site like italki. Someone who is in the throes of learning your native language from scratch. The mutual understanding works wonders and makes you both comfortable with baring it all in your stumbling first attempts at your respective target languages. The practice will make you all the more confident when you travel to the country or have to speak with a native speaker who doesn’t know about your language learning journey!And, on a side note, italki is the perfect platform for finding a paid language tutor if youre looking to invest a little more. A professional tutor can give you tons of feedback on your conversation skills.What to Do with Your Language ExchangeWhen you first seek out a language learning partner on any of the above sites (or all of themâ€"the more the merrier!), use the advanced search features so you have a higher chance of being able to relate to the personâ€"because you’ll actually need things to talk about. Consider gender, family status, age, hobbiesâ€"things you can find on their profile that might indicate you two have something in common to talk about. Believe meâ€"a conversation in which your only commonality is learning languages… well, it’s boring at best, and tedious at worst. Choose well, but rememberâ€"you can always call it off if things aren’t working out. Dont hesitate to try someone new!You’ll then meet up on Skype or Google Hangout. During the first couple sessions, I recommend simply getting to know one another. Talk about yourself, and ask them questions about themselves. Then, as you dive deeper, ask for constant corrections, as folks can be polite and overlook some errors. Constant corrections can be annoying, but your language skills will soar.After your sessions, SRS those corrections so you remember them until your dying day. Ask lots of questions, but remember that grammar points might not be the easiest things for your partner to discuss, so entrenched are they in their own native language. Ask for resource ideas like movies, books, comics and TV shows. Share jokes with each other to acquire a new sense of humor. With luck, you’ll build a real relationship and maybe make a new friend in the process!FluentU for Personalized Media-based Learning at Any LevelAre you not ready to dive into the conversational suggestions in this post? Or maybe you’d love to get into L 2 immersion, but you have some concerns, or the vast sea of the internet seems too big to find something you might like.FluentU can help you out.FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. It  teaches languages based on native media, but in bite-sized amounts, so you don’t have to sit through a whole movie or TV show you don’t grasp yet. You can absorb vocab and grammar from cartoons and hilarious commercials. It helps you wade into native media while holding your hand with interactive captions, quizzes to test your knowledge and other cool learning features when you need them. No need to shy away!With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any wo rd to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoWhat to Do with FluentULike with any language program, consistency is key: Devote 20 minutes a day to FluentU. Make ample use of the built-in SRS and word list features so you never forget new vocabulary. Fortunately, you dont even have to think too much about what to do because FluentU keeps track of all the words youve learned for you, automatically personalizing the whole experience.And when you need to take a break, check out the language specific blogs (Chinese, Spanish, French, German, English, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Korean, Italian  and Portuguese, alongside this one) for lots of extra language learning information!Consistent use of FluentU will have you raring to go at more advanced language learning resources like conversation exchanges or targeted lessons with a tutor. And it’s a great option for accessing the world of native media.Chat Rooms (and Games) for Writing and Communication PracticeHa! You thought chat rooms didn’t exist anymore, didn’t you?Well, you’re dead wrong on that. Chat rooms may very well be a relic of the early 2000s, but they’re still alive and well in certain corners of the internet, albeit a little tougher to find. And you can find them in your target language!I personally love chat rooms because text chatting with strangers gives you real time language practice if you’re not quite ready to take on speaking just yet.How do you track down these ancient beasts? Search for forums (in your target language) about one of your interests, whether it’s gam es, gardening, politics, crafts, whatever. Many forums have a chat room! For example, heres a Pokémon chat room in French, a Spanish-language Star Wars/table top gaming chat  and a French math and science chat. Itll take some hunting, but you can get good results by translating chat room into your L2, and Googling that along with your hobby/interest of choice.If forums aren’t your style, many online multiplayer games have that same real-time text that we’re after. Think World of Warcraft or League of Legends. You jump right in, and players converse in real time. All you have to do is start up the game in your target language, and many of these games have tons of different language options. Games are also great because they can be more active and easier to find than forums.What to Do with Chat RoomsWhat do you do once you’ve found a chat room or game? I recommend eavesdropping at first. Watch others’ conversations. What are they saying? How are they saying it? Take note of n ew vocab and slang, and SRS those so you remember them later. Then, when you’re ready, try answering in short, easy phrases. Stick to things you knowâ€"don’t attempt to express complicated ideas if your vocabulary is limited to that of a first-year textbook. But be patient, and you’ll slowly improve.Considering these places are not learning sites, rest assured that mistakes may be met with laughter and teasing. Just dust yourself off when the inevitable embarrassment hits you. On the bright side, you’ll remember not to repeat those mistakes!Twitter for Additional Immersion and ExposureWe all know that changing default languages is a great way to immerse and practice a new language. If you’re studying a new language, you should already have changed the language of your phone, your email client, your Web browser, even your OS!So, why is Twitter any different?Twitter is unique in that when you change the default language, you’re not just seeing the options and onscreen word s translated. Instead, you’ll default to seeing tweets from target language sources! You’ll be constantly learning new online slang and abbreviationsâ€"lots of snippets of natural language.What to Do with TwitterHow do you go about changing your default? If your browser is in your L1 (or a different language), simply click on your little profile pic in the upper right corner of the page. Go to Settings, and then the language option is the first one down. And if you dont have an account and your browser is already in your target language, your Twitter will default to your target language when you sign up.Now what? Check those trending hashtags on the left-hand side of your home page! Most tweets  will probably be in your L2, so get in that reading practice. (If theyre not in your L2, its probably because you already follow English-language accounts, and the algorithm is trying to cater to youâ€"just change the location setting by clicking Change next to Trending and you should ge t better content.)You can also look for topics of interest in the search bar to find people talking about your favorite hobbies. The short format makes reading easier for those of us that shy away from novels or even blogs. It’s especially great for beginners who can probably parse a quick sentence, but maybe not long, convoluted paragraphs of a literary novel.And then, follow the Twitter users you enjoy reading. That way, your feed will be peppered with target language exposure. Even when you’re checking social media during work, you’ll have to come into contact with your L2!Online Tutors for Lessons and CorrectionsWhile not freeâ€"and I love free resourcesâ€"an online tutor can advance your language skills like nothing else in this mortal coil. You can get a real-life tutor by checking local universities or venturing online and hiring one from italki at very affordable prices per lesson.Another great source that specializes purely in online language tutors is Verbling, where you can  explore hundreds upon hundreds of language teachers and find the one whos just right for you.  But why would you do this after I’ve told you that you can get language practice for free with a language partner?It turns out, trained tutors are trained for a reason!A tutor with experience in teaching will be able to give you pinpointed language advice. They’ll have a vested interest in your skills and weaknesses, and how you cover up those weaknesses. You won’t have to worry about switching back to your native language as you would with a language exchange partnerâ€"it’s all you!A great tutor will keep you talking and force you out of your comfort zone so that you can expand and be comfortable in more situations. And it’s all tailored to you. If you need writing practice, a tutor will ruthlessly correct your writing. If you need to get through a class, tutors will help you through your particular curriculum. And if you just want targeted conversation practice, tutor s are there for you, too.What to Do with Your TutorWhen you find a tutor you think you might like, send questions before you meet. Really explain in detail what your issues are and what your goals are, and where you see yourself going. The more detail the better, as your tutor can decide how to help you out.In particular, grammar questions and issues are great to bring up with a tutor. A professional teacher is much better equipped to explain grammar and address your questions than a language partner (although language partners can be great in letting you know what “sounds right”).After your meetings, SRS corrections (like always!). Make sure you meet consistently, or decide on a particular number of lessons. Take lots of notes before, during and after so that you’re gleaning all you can from these sessions. And then, when you go out into the real world (or just to Skype to meet with your conversation partner), apply what you’ve learned! Constant application and practice are what stretch your abilities and keep you improving.Don’t underestimate the variety and depth of online language learning tools.There really is something out there for everyone, at every stage of learning.And before you know it, youll be moving effortlessly through online spacesâ€"all in your new language!

Preparing to Jump Into a New Summer Job

Preparing to Jump Into a New Summer Job Image via Pexels So, you just landed an awesomely cool new job for the summer. Woo-hoo! You’ve now joined over 23.1 million young people who are working through the summer months. Accepting a new job offer is an exciting time for any job seeker, especially emerging adults like you and me. It means that you’ve successfully crafted a resume, submitted an application, obtained good references, and passed the company’s initial procedures for new employees. You’re well on your way to learning something new and plugging another notch on the journey to your dream career. You may be tempted to throw yourself a party or to take a week off before you start and head to Belize, but consider not moving so fast in either of those directions. New employees know that signing a job offer is only half the battle. Just as you prepared yourself to pass the interview, you will need to do a little preparation before you jump into your new summer job. Whether you have a weekend or an entire two weeks before your starting date, here are some things you can do to prepare yourself for your first day on the job. Go over the job description and expectations Obviously, the hiring manager thought your skill set, interests, or background qualified you for the new position upon which you are about to embark. It’s easy to get excited about something new and then once we get into it, temporarily forget what we’re supposed to do. To avoid that, before you settle into day one, take a moment to read over the job description and expectations of the company. Evaluate your skills If you’ve held a summer job or any type of job before this one, take a mental note of what helped you to succeed there and what you can improve on. Use this opportunity to build on your strengths while limiting attention to your weaknesses. If an essential skill is needed that you don’t have, take the time to read or watch videos from places like Udemy or Coursera to help you develop those skills. Of course, if you’ve applied for the job, then you’re the best person to know whether you can do it or not. But you don’t want to spotlight any skill gaps to your new co-workers and boss. You do, however, want to settle some early victories and establish a good reputation of hard work, respect, and willingness to learn. Go with the flow   People, from the highest level to your peers, will make quick judgments of you. And in truth, we all do this. When we see other people, before we even meet them, we make initial judgments about who they are or what they may be like. Of course, it is not fair, but don’t attempt to fight human predispositions with retaliation, disrespect, or trying to defend yourself. If such attitudes turn into outright harassment or discrimination, then report it. If not handled promptly, then remove yourself from the position. If this is not the case, know that this is typical in work environments. Go with the flow and prove your worth by your work. Consider your wardrobe and equipment If you will be working in an office, go through your closet and see whether you have appropriate attire. Do you need to buy new clothes to fit your new job’s dress code? What about equipment? Maybe you need a new laptop, certain software, or other organizational tools to help you be efficient and successful at your job. Try to obtain a copy of the company employee handbook which should provide details about attire and needed equipment. A quick phone call to your soon-to-be boss for clarification on these things isn’t out of order and will show pro-action on your part. Any questions? Ask now Now is a good time to think about any questions you may have for your new boss. Take a couple of moments to jot down anything you have a question about or need clarification on so you can hit the ground running when you arrive. Give your boss or someone who is knowledgeable at the company a call or shoot them an email several days in advance. It is sometimes frustrating to managers when employees have too many questions. This is why it is best to ask all you can ahead of time so you have what you need at least to get started. Research the work culture   Whether you’re working for a Fortune 500 company or small town business, take a minute to search the company online. Look for reviews about the overall working environment. Read what people say about the pros and cons of working for the company and how they perceive the company culture. Remember, it is all perception until you start working there. Check out the company’s presence online including social media and websites and history if the company has been established for a while. Look up your colleagues I know it sounds kind of creepy but on your first day, you will be hit with names and faces that it’s in your best interest to memorize. They’ll be your coworkers. You can strike up a conversation with them over the water cooler or at lunch more easily if you’ve read a little bit about them and have taken note of what their roles are in the company. LinkedIn is an awesome place to start. Google search the names of your supervisor and co-workers to see their level of experience, previous and current roles, education, interests, hobbies, and so forth. This will give you a better idea of what and who lie ahead. Relax Yes, take it easy. Read a book. Watch a movie. Take a walk. Your first day is going to be awesome. You’ve got this.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Become a Live Language Kids Tutor

How to Become a Live Language Kids TutorTeaching your kids Chinese is a very exciting activity. You have to take care of their ability and the interest of the kids in Chinese is always the main factor. In China, most people go for Chinese as their primary language in order to communicate with each other. The internet and English education is no substitute for Chinese learning for the kids.If you are the kind of person who wants to be able to teach your children's Chinese but has no clue on how to start, then there are a lot of things you should know first. What's more, you should know how to become a live language kids tutor or live language tutors. This is because, the internet is abuzz with those who think they can do this job. This can actually be a great mistake for your kids' learning.One popular way to start is to look for a school that is experienced and reliable. However, this is not the right thing to do if you want to earn extra income. It would be a good idea to look for a school that offers free online lessons and works with one of the big Chinese companies like ECL Education.Once you have signed up, your parents and your kids will soon meet. When you learn Chinese, you will get to hear your child talk. Of course, you have to be patient and willing to wait and learn the language at a comfortable pace. There is no need to make the language too difficult and confusing.After signing up, you will then be given the option to enroll for a free language program. You can check the calendar of the company to know what days are free and at the same time when it will be your turn to teach your kid.Remember that as you are teaching your kid, they are learning with you and so you have to ensure that you have enough time to devote to learning a new language. Most companies offering these kinds of programs will agree to any of your requests that you have.You should not have to rush to your house in order to teach your kid something when you have already allotted a certain amount of time. You can just learn the language while your kid is still a baby. When you are done, just let them explore a little bit about the language and just like this, you will be able to communicate with them.

Reddit English Learning Tips

Reddit English Learning TipsReddit English Learning Tips will help you be more proficient in your use of the popular online social website. If you are a native English speaker, you know how difficult it can be to navigate the many pages on the Internet with only a vague idea of what you are looking for. You may stumble over a word or phrase that you simply cannot understand, and you will never know it unless you type it into the search box or hit the back button to return to the home page. Search engines may be your friend when it comes to finding words, but you should be on the lookout for errors that can sometimes be uncovered by searching in a particular way.The first lesson to learn when it comes to using the many forums on the web is to make sure you know what the forum is for before you post or comment. You will want to avoid posting information that you do not have firsthand knowledge of. This can be especially problematic when you are trying to respond to questions and answer comments. For instance, if you are an actor who was recently fired from a project because the company did not like the final product, you may want to discuss this openly on a website for professionals where users could post questions and suggestions. But if you were to post it on a forum for actors, you may not receive responses until someone asks about it on another forum.The next lesson to learn is to ensure that you will never post or comment in a manner that will give away information to your readers or viewers without making a good original post. There are forums where you can post your comments anonymously if you choose, but you must make sure you have a meaningful post that does not give away sensitive information. One example of this would be a humorous update to a story you wrote. Instead of making light of an issue, you could always provide answers to FAQ's or provide examples of your work.In addition to these social media sites, you may find forums and discussion groups on your favorite social networking site, as well as sites that are part of an encyclopedia like You can post in forums that relate to topics of interest and ask for help if you are unfamiliar with a topic or are having difficulty with a piece of software.Another way to find some help is to join a support group that specializes in an area of expertise you have an interest in. You can sign up for a group and help others. Many of these groups will allow you to download and print out reports that they can use to better understand their own topics. Many of these support groups also have a chat room where you can ask questions and join in on the conversation.You can also visit other websites that offer forums for language learners. These websites generally charge a fee for their services, but many of them offer free trials. The benefits of utilizing these websites include allowing you to find forums and information in your preferred language. They may also offer more dep th of information than a traditional search engine.Reddit English Learning Tips will help you become more proficient in your use of the social networking website. Once you get started, you will find there are many ways to benefit from your experience.

Boxing for Self Defence

Boxing for Self Defence How Can You Master Self-defence through Boxing? ChaptersWhich is the Best Combat Sport for Men?Which Is the Best Combat Sport for Women?How to Defend Yourself with BoxingHow to Train to Defend Yourself with Boxing“Mental strength is really important because you either win or lose in your mind. And I'm not solely talking about sporting matches, boxing events - anything you do, you do it first with your mental strength. And you can actually train and develop it, and I am responsible for what I'm saying because I have experience with that.” - Wladimir KlitschkoEach year, many people join boxing clubs to learn about combat sports or martial arts. Boxing is a way to improve your agility, defence, strength, composure, and strategic thinking.  You can also build an athlete’s body and learn more about self-defence.Warning: You cannot learn boxing to brawl!In the UK, professional boxers need to be licensed. This is to ensure that they’re properly trained and take the necessary precautions.  With that said, let’s have a look at ho w boxing can help you with self-defence... AndreyBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KostiaBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LeeBoxing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SajBoxing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KaranBoxing Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThomasBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HaileyBoxing Teacher 4.50 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidBoxing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhich is the Best Combat Sport for Men?Despite the growth of women’s boxing, men’s boxing is still the much bigger sport. Which combat sports are useful for self-defence? It depends on what you enjoy. (Source: WikiImages)So which is the best combat sport for men?Almost all of them.Different Types of BoxingThere are four main types of boxing: traditional boxing, savate, Thai boxing (also known as Muay Thai) and kickboxing.  The first only uses punches above the belt.  The three other types also allow kicks.  Thai boxing and kickboxing also allow kneeing to the legs, body, and head.  Thai boxing is the only one that allows elbowing, which is considered to be as dangerous as a knife in some cases.  The latter is one of the most complete disciplines but also one of the most dangerous since almost anything goes.Traditional boxing is nicknamed the noble art due to its aesthetic qualities.  Chaining fast powerful blows together involves almost every muscle in your body and is a great cardio workout. Boxing is a great way to unwind, channel your energy, get rid of stress, and work on several aspects of your phy sique through a demanding workout. It’s also great cardio training.It’s difficult to say which type of boxing is best for defending yourself since each has its techniques; you need to find the type of boxing that works for you.  Each session will tone your body, hone your reflexes, and strengthen muscles in your arms, back, abdomen, and legs. Boxing also improves the speed of your legs.Other Martial ArtsIn addition to boxing, there are also martial arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu which can be used for self-defence.  This involves different grapples and holds which are useful for combat on the ground.In situations with multiple aggressors and combines techniques from mixed martial arts (MMA), which draws from multiple disciplines, can be useful. MMA courses often include techniques from jiu-jitsu, Thai boxing, and many grapples and holds.Finally, Krav Maga from Israel is the martial art taught to the Israeli police forces and the Mossad.It’s widely considered to be one of the best disciplines for self-defence and includes elements of boxing, karate, Greco-Roman wrestling, and jiu-jitsu.Which Is the Best Combat Sport for Women?When it comes to sport, women are largely underrepresented in the media. Combat sports are useful for women wanting to defend themselves. (Source: ignacioserapio0)For every female athlete in the media, there are four male athletes.  Women’s sport also occupies around a sixth of newspapers’ sports pages. However, when it comes to self-defence, there are a lot of women interesting in learning how to box.We should mention that in boxing clubs, there are rules, equipment including boxing gloves, mouth guards, shin guards, chest protectors, etc., and bare-knuckle boxing and brawling in the street are neither allowed nor encouraged.Generally, women are seen as physically weaker to men. Due to being perceived as weaker, women are often subject to physical or verbal abuse in the street. However, troublemakers or aggressors are rarely adept at boxing.Again, there’s no single type of boxing that’s the best as each combat sport teaches techniques that can be useful.  Of course, fitness boxing or cardio boxing won’t help get you out of a dangerous situation ...In most boxing clubs, there are mixed group sessions.Here are some of the main types of boxing that women can practise to defend themselves:SavateThai boxingkickboxingChinese boxing (Sanshou)Similarly, women can also practise Krav Maga and Taekwondo.The combat techniques can help women to defend themselves from aggression.Discover how boxing can help you manage stress.How to Defend Yourself with BoxingSo how can you use the techniques learnt in the gym when confronted by danger in the street?You won’t have any protective equipment or time to warm up... Your knowledge of combat sports should only be used for defence and not for offence. (Source: 378322)Keep in mind that in traditional boxing there’s more of a focus on punches than in the other disciplines we mentioned.  Traditional boxing focuses on powerful, efficient, and quick punches.  When faced with an aggressor, you may be in a small enclosed space such as a lift, corridor, narrow street, etc.  How you throw your punches in important.  Even a seemingly small action can be used to defend yourself.Similarly, make sure your legs provide a firm foundation. Standing firmly will allow you to put more power into your blow.Of course, excessive use of force is also illegal so you need to defend yourself using the least amount of force possible. You don’t want your aggressor to become the victim. Be fluid and flexible so that you can avoid your opponent’s attacks.Generally, follow the golden rule: one step at a time, one punch at a time.  Don’t strike your opponent while doing something else.  Each punch needs to be thrown while anchored to the ground and breathing out.This advice is essential as it allows you to throw a punch immediately after having dodged an opponent’s attack. You must keep your guard up.Are you familiar with the basic guard?This is when you keep your arms by your chin so you can block punches by raising your first. This also allows you to protect your chin and quickly respond.Find out how you can lose weight with boxing.How to Train to Defend Yourself with BoxingNot have the time to attend a boxing club?Get yourself a punching bag.  Of course, this won’t teach you to dodge attacks. Your skills might help you get out of dangerous situations. (Source: PublicDomainPictures)You’ll also need some accessories:Punching bag.Skipping rope.Boxing gloves.Resistance bands.Don’t forget to warm up. Start with five minutes with your skipping rope.  Then do your squats, sit-ups, burpees, or push-ups.  With your guard up, pull your leading leg back slightly so that you face slightly to the side.  This, even while being attacked, can decrease the exposure of hitting areas. Constantly move and work the legs. Always look straight ahead; never down!Work on jabs and crosses. The jab is with your non-dominant hand and the cross is with your dominant hand. Lightly pivot your back foot when you do so that your toes face forward as you do.  This will also train your core and increase the strength of your punches.  Chain together jab and cross combos while always returning to your guard position.If you do a style that involves kicking, you may want to do a sequence of two jabs, two c rosses, and a kick with each leg, for example.If you'd like to do boxing, mixed martial arts, or kickboxing classes, consider getting in touch with one of the many talented and experienced tutors on Superprof. There are three main types of tutorial available, face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, and each type comes with its pros and cons.Group tutorials tend to be the cheapest per student per hour since they're all paying for a share of the tutor's time. Of course, this means that you'll get less one-on-one time with your tutor or coach and they won't be able to tailor the sessions to just you as they'll have other clients that they need to keep happy.Face-to-face tutorials are just between you and your private tutor. In this case, you'll be paying for a bespoke and tailored service and during your lessons, you'll enjoy the tutor or coach's undivided attention. This all comes at a price and while face-to-face private tutorials are the most cost-effective, t hey also tend to be the most costly per hour.Finally, thanks to the advent of the internet, you can now enjoy online private tutorials. With video conferencing software, a webcam, a microphone, and a decent internet connection, you can enjoy private tutoring from tutors all over the world. Since the tutor won't be travelling to their students and they can schedule more tutorials each week, they can charge a more competitive rate and online tutorials are usually cheaper per hour than face-to-face tutorials.

How To Practice Bodybuilding For Beginners

How To Practice Bodybuilding For Beginners What Are The Best Bodybuilding Exercises For Beginners? ChaptersWhy Start Bodybuilding?Sports Workout RoutinesArm Pumps For A Beginner In BodybuildingA Good Beginners Exercise For The Pectoral MusclesHow To Build Muscles With Squats For BeginnersBodybuilding is a popular sport and has followers from every background. Between weight loss, muscle gain, nutrition and your workout program. Bodybuilding allows you to see real changes to your body after a short to medium space of time. Even within a few classes, it is then possible to see concrete changes in your shape and physical form and through the enthusiasm and inspiration of your success in your workout session.With the ease of entry and the speed of seeing results beginners bodybuilding is becoming a more mainstream style of working out. Which is proven by the array of gyms opening up across the country, access to online platforms and the rising number of fitness professionals. The fitness industry is set to rise, and even social media platforms are supporting the growth of the fitness industry. With fitness models inspiring people with the millions of photos posted to Instagram every day.When starting out, many beginners have the fitness goal in mind to get ripped, build muscle fast and burn fat. Lead by images that they see on social media, or from movies that they have seen. Many before and after pictures also give beginners hope that they too can achieve these fantastic results.Having fitness goals to aspire to is very important when you are just starting and when you are dedicated to changing your whole body. But all beginner workouts need to be based on the personal reality of each person. Because six pack abs, full body fat loss and building muscle fast is not the bodybuilding reality for everyone in the first month.If you are a skinny guy or an overweight girl, it might take six months to a year (depending on your metabolism and other things) to see the transformation. So having fitness goals are important but also being realistic about what is possible fo r you is essential for every workout plan. These fitness goals are instrumental in helping beginner bodybuilders stay the course with their training and keep them on track.But precisely, what are the best exercises to practice when you start bodybuilding?  Let's take a look!There are inspirational quotes to give us courage, motivation, and make our efforts more enjoyable. Photo Source: UnsplashEmotional weakness, as well as physical weakness, will become more accessible to ignore. Waking up early to do your training workouts, spending time at the gym weight lifting, drinking protein powder shakes and paying attention to your nutrition. All become part of your discipline in your pursuit to build a lean muscular body, and your lifestyle will never be the same.The discipline of bodybuilding is to realise that each exercise is essential. It is necessary to master the workings of each circuit workout, each squat, each dumbbell lift and each bench press. So that you learn and become aware of how to develop and maintain your physical condition to the best of your current ability. Biceps, quadriceps, abs, buttocks, all muscles require special attention depending on how you want them to develop.The muscle growth and strength gained while practising bodybuilding is what makes your weight training plan a complete sport. There are a thousand reasons to practice bodybuilding, here are some examples, that could help you understand why you should learn to practice muscle strengthening, mass building, a chest workout routine or backbone sculpting at each session.It's a sport that burns calories, so you lose fat,It's a motivating activity because you can set concrete goals,We can meet many people who are motivated and have a gym community,You can go at your own pace and evolve according to your motivation,We can see concrete progress over time,You will become mentally agile and strongerYou will learn to have discipline and achieve your goalsTo see the control that you have ove r your total body workout is very satisfying,There are many exercises for each part of the body,People who practice are generous with information.There is lots of help to support you every step of the way.However, the practice of bodybuilding, especially as a beginner, is primarily conditioned by your reasons. Because you have to decide your commitment and effort which produces your set level of results. You choose to do the maximum or minimum effort, this or that exercise, this or that circuit training.We know muscular male and female bodybuilders. Photo Source: UnsplashSports Workout RoutinesIf you want to practice real bodybuilding, you have to commit and dedicate yourself to the process. Here are some great exercises for the abdominals here:The alternative core workout: Watch Steve Cook's workout video guiding you through 5 ab exercises - Click hereThe intense ab workout: Watch Jeff Cavaliere's workout videos, guiding you through a 7-minute ab workout - Click hereThese two exerc ise plans alone will make a difference to your belly, which will be much more toned with more lean muscle mass than before. To see real results you should practice in sets and reps, in a series. If you find doing both of these too overwhelming, then you can start with doing half of the workout, which is an excellent starter for a beginner workout.These videos are guaranteed to burn fat and the high intensity of the movement. If you are doing it right, they will get your abs to begin to burn, but this pain is good news. Because when you take advantage of this pain, you will know that your body is ready to evolve and change physically.The body is made up of a muscular system, and everything is connected and working together to give you a functioning body. For example, these are the muscles that make up your core muscles and are activated during your workout while you are getting stronger.The stabilisers: Transversospinalis, Transverse abdominals, The diaphragm, Pelvic floor muscles, I nternal Obliques.The movers: Hip abductor, Hamstrings, Rectus abdominis, external obliques and the erector spinae.

A Short Guide to Learning Classical Arabic

A Short Guide to Learning Classical Arabic How to Speak and Write Classical Arabic ChaptersWhat is Classical Arabic?How Can I Improve My Arabic Pronunciation?How to Learn Classical ArabicYou’ve been doing your research to sign up for the right class that matches how you want to learn to speak Arabic â€" considering language schools, university, intensive immersion courses, or private classes at home - you begin to get lost in all the names for the different forms of Arabic.Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, literary Arabic, spoken Arabic, Arabic dialects, Quran Arabic…don’t panic! We’ll explain all the different terms in this article. But as a starting point, Classical Arabic is the language of Allah and the Muslim-Arabic world, and it is a language that has contributed to modern society in ways that many people don't even know.When you first sign up for an Arabic class, it seems like a lot of work to learn the Arabic alphabet, then learn how to read the Arabic script, and finally, work on your Arabic pronunciation and writing.Here are a few of our t op tips for learning Classical Arabic, from the pros at SuperProf.Find an Arabic course London. HalimaArabic Teacher £13/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KotaibaArabic Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SoledadArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NancyArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TaouesArabic Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DinaArabic Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AbrarArabic Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UsamaArabic Teacher 5.00 (1) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is Classical Arabic?First of all, let’s clear something up - Arabic is a bit of an umbrella language. Modern Standard Arabic is a common language for all the different Arabic dialects.All of the different Arabic speaking countries have their own dialects, and are so geographically dispersed that there dialects have diverged so much that they need a lingua franca.Just like the overarching roofs of the mosque, standardized Arabic is an overarching version of the language, as well as the sacred language of Islam.Classical Arabic, or Modern Standard Arabic, therefore fills this role. The language is so old and far flung that it has evolved differently in different places. Therefore, we’ve ended up in a situation where there’s a difference between spoken and written Arabic.For a Chadian to understand an Egyptian, or for a Moroccan to speak to a Syrian, they’ll need to use Modern Standard Arabic.That’s the version of Arabic that can be understood in any Arabic speaking country. All the different dialects spoken across the Arab world are different again to written Arabic.Classical Arabic is the same thing as Ancient Literary Arabic, which is well documented in history through books, publications, and of course, the Quran.Classical Arabic is the root of all the different versions of Arabic you find today, and is essentially the same as its modern version created in the 1800s, Modern Standard Arabic.It’s a bit like the difference between the English of Chaucer and Shakespeare, and today.Some people think of Classical Arabic as the true, real language of the Arabs, and that this modern distinction between Classical Arabic and modern Arabic is nonsense. But others claim that the ancient form of the language no longer makes sense for life in the 21st century. It’s difficult to judge who’s right and who’s wrong.According to Ralph Stehly, and Professor of Religious History at the University of Strasbourg, just 20-25% of the Muslims on the planet are also Arab.It’s important to understand the distinction between Arab and Islam, because Arabic speakers are also commonly Christian or Jewish. To be Arab doesn’t automatically make you Muslim. There are Muslims in Indonesia, India, China, Bangladesh, Turkey, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania, few of whom speak Arabic.Therefore, Arabic writing and pronunciation only concerns about 20-25% of the Muslims on the planet.Another thing - you can distinguish between pre-Islamic Arabic, Classical Arabic as used in the Quran, and Classical Arabic post Mohammed. From a historical point of view, the oldest record of pre-Islamic Arabic comes from 328AD.Classical Quranic Arabic describes the historical version of Arabic used in the 7th century AD. And the post-Mohammed Classical Arabic is the version of Arabic in use during the Middle Ages, by the Umayyad and Abyssinian caliphates.Nonetheless, the root of all these different versions is still the same. It’s just some of the Arabic vocabulary which has changed to adjust to modern usage. In order to learn the Arabic language, you’ll also need to learn Arabic pronunciation and script.How Can I Improve My Arabic Pronunciation?So you’ve mastered all 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet - congratulations!However, it’s important to know that each letter of Arabic has three forms, depen ding on if it’s at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. It’s important to do some studying, because while there may only be 28 letters, there’s 112 different shapes to learn.One of the easiest strategies is to book more time with your Arabic teacher to perfect your pronunciation.The Unique Pronunciation of ArabicArabic pronunciation can often seem challenging. Learning a new language is always a feat, and this one has a rich use of consonants and low levels of vocalization., there are several types of Arabic consonants which require various vocal gymnastics to pronounce them well:7 oral stops (also known as plosives, or occlusive)4 emphatic consonants11 fricative consonants2 nasal consonants2 liquid consonants2 approximant (vowel-like) consonantsConsonants are particularly difficult to pronounce because at the same time they’re said, you must also move your tongue forwards or backwards in order to create the prope r sound without changing the meaning of the words in Arabic.However, the vocal system is much simpler in Arabic.Improve Your Arabic Pronunciation With a Private TeacherWhen you take Arabic classes for beginners, learning the language often seems like an insurmountable task at first.But this isn’t true. That happened to me during my Arabic classes in university.As you study, and learn all the forms of each Arabic letter, the effort you put in begins to pay off, and once you’ve passed the first hurdle of learning the script, you begin to be able to read Arabic and begin to speak the language.During your Arabic lessons, sound each syllable out out loud with your teacher. In this way, you will begin to learn the proper sounds for the Arabic vowels and consonants.At the Arabic class, your professor can help you and adapt their style of teaching to the way in which you learn best. Whether you’re taking private lessons, or studying Arabic at school, your teacher will probably give yo u written documents to read.In high school, the use of a projector for Arabic classes will be a great help to the students, and allow them to read for themselves in a way that is efficient and quick.One good technique is having each student repeat each form of each letter (each letter has three forms).First the teacher - normally someone who’s originally from an Arabic speaking country, or someone might have been born in another country but raised bilingually - will pronounce the sound in a way that the students can hear and memorize its nuances.Study Abroad in an Arabic Speaking CountryIn our opinion, the best way to perfect your Arabic pronunciation and everything else, is to spend some time living in an Arabic country.There, you can explore Arabic libraries, mosques, and cultural centres in Morocco or Egypt, in order to really appreciate the post-Quranic literary renaissance that took place during the Middle Ages.Signing up for an intensive Arabic immersion course can be a good way to dive head first into a linguistic and cultural experience in a country like Egypt, Tunisia, or Morocco.Can you say a few words? Now it’s time to learn how to write them.Find out all there is to know about the history of the Arabic language…How to Learn Classical ArabicAs you leave your first Arabic course, you’ll understand that as well as learning the Arabic alphabet with all of its vowels and consonants, you will also need quite a bit of artistic talent to write the Arabic script!Yes, we might be exaggerating a bit, but Arabic writing looks like a style of calligraphy.It will take you a lot of work in order to learn how to write Arabic script in the traditional style.Learning to write in Arabic also means learning to read a different way from our modern Latin alphabet - Arabic is written from right to left.In order to learn to write Arabic letters and words, there are several ways to get help:Private Arabic lessons at homeArabic classes at a local language schoolOnli ne Arabic classesYouTube videos and tutorialsHelpful websites for learning Arabic as a beginnerSmartphone appsMotivation and determination - studying and working hard is the key to learning quickly.Buy an English Arabic dictionaryYour private Arabic teacher will be guiding you and correcting your miswritten letters as you learn the Arabic script. They’ll also stop you from picking up any bad habits. The Arabic letters  alif, ba, ta, fa, lam, mim, hamza, etc, will all be your new best friends.When I signed up for a semester of Arabic classes at university, my professor used two teaching methods - He had us work through simply dialogues (Things like, “Hello, how are you?” “I’m good thank you, and you?” “My name is…” “I’m American, and you are?”)This exercise will help you work on your Arabic listening and comprehension, at the same time as your brain begins to grasp the precision needed to write everything down in the Arabic script.The second method our profess or used was to have us rewrite short texts that he put up on the projector. Although a more academic method, this did help us recognize the different letters and do a bit of memorization. It is useful to write down all unknown words and phrases as this will develop both your skills on how to read and write Arabic simultaneously.Thanks to the internet and social media, there are tons of different computer tools you can use to improve your level of Arabic today. Getting an Arabic keyboard, learning numbers in Arabic, classical Arabic grammar, writing, and even working on your pronunciation are all available for anyone trying to learn online.It’s now even possible to sign up for online Arabic classes, and occasionally to learn Arabic online for free!All the different websites are a great asset to help as you learn Arabic, and can give you different exercises to do.

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The Actors of Free Online Tutoring Free Online Tutoring in the UK ChaptersFree Tutoring for Schoolchildren: the Traditional and Best-Known ResourcesFree One on One Tutoring SitesOnline Tutoring Sites to Improve Your Grades on ExamsOther Websites Linking to Online Learning ResourcesGeneral Resources Free OnlineMake Use of Free Tutoring Sites and AppsMOOCsPrivate tutoring has long been the established method of improving a child’s grades at school. But the education crisis has not only been felt in schools. Official organisations are often overwhelmed with queries, and cost remains a concern with a great many parents. Lessons at home with private tutors cost anywhere between £25 and £60. What with school supplies, outings and transportation, this is more than many families can afford.This is why Superprof is eager to provide you with various resources that are entirely FREE. others are paying but not quite as expensive as elsewhere. Subjects range from robotics to Natural Language Processing to an Intro into Self-driving cars. Definitely worth a look!What are your thoughts on free online tutoring resources available to students in the UK?